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Seo - Free photo for websites

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Image Description: This is the full representation of what search engine optimization is. The diagram is placed against the green lightning-like background. In the diagram there are eight SEO components surrounding the SEO square in the center. This is the wonderful way to understand and memorize what search engine optimization is built of and thus what tasks it includes. So, judging from the picture we can say that life of websites would have been a lot more complicate without search engine optimizers. Page content would have been less informative and more monotonous. The process of search would have been a lot longer and absolutely boring without the proper management of keywords and tags and so on. Furthermore, people would have the least of socialization with their friends leaving for other countries because of absence of social media so much popular nowadays.

Image category: SEO & SM (SEO, Social Media, Blogging)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: seo, social media, scheme, structure, url, management, marketing

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